We help typists earn money working from home by creating professional transcription.
Hiring a proofreader can help you to produce error-free work for your clients! We explain four concerns frequently heard from transcriptionists and show how a good proofreader can be a great asset for you.
Let’s face it. Transcriptionists are especially prone to missteps because of the high volume of their work. No matter how skilled, transcribers are human beings, after all, not robots.
RELATED: Some truths about transcription.
Everyone knows that humans make mistakes. For this reason, we recommend that transcriptionists invest in the services of a skilled proofreader to ensure that their work is flawless.
Let’s take a look at four concerns and show why they are not actually valid at all.
1. Hiring a proofreader will cut into my profit — I can’t afford one.
One of the main challenges of being self-employed is knowing which business investments are necessary. If you are not careful, it is easy to justify many expenses as “necessary.” Before you know it, you are in the red!
However, the benefits of a proofreader are clear. Your work will be error-free, and your clients will be very happy. In turn, you reap the benefits: more prominent clients; more steady work.
2. Using a proofreader is cheating.
We understand the feeling. Moreover, many professionals are protective of their work and rightfully so. Certainly, it is often difficult to let go enough to allow somebody else to put their touch on your work.
Of course, employing a proofreader should always meet with your client’s approval. Also, be sure the transcript contains no legally protected information before clicking the “send” button.
3. Hiring a proofreader is useless; they won’t catch all of my errors.
Chances are, if you’re a working transcriptionist, your product is already high quality.
As seen above, we have suggested that you are prone to making errors. While this is just a fact of life, we are certainly not suggesting that your work is riddled with mistakes.
To the contrary, you are likely sending your proofreader a transcript that is done very well. By doing so, your proofer’s job is much easier to find and mark very few mistakes.
4. It’s just too difficult to find a good proofreader.
Seriously, this may be the concern that carries the most weight. For instance, just like it was probably hard for your clients to find a good transcriptionist before they found you, yes, it can be challenging to locate an excellent proofreader.
To be fair and in complete transparency, some proofers are underqualified and poorly trained. Of course, many popular freelance websites utilize an approval rating. However, think about it. Employing a total stranger online does indeed carry a degree of risk.
So where do I find a good proofreader?
One way to find an efficient proofreader is to ask for recommendations within your professional transcription circles. Other ideas are to screen candidates with a short test, obtain references, or request a sample of their work.
In conclusion, do you need any training?
We offer an array of affordable transcription courses for the beginner to the experienced transcriptionist. Learning is an ongoing exercise and truly is a necessary expense. When you get a minute, check out our courses.
We can’t wait to see you in class!