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Are You a Small Thinker?

small thinker

A small thinker is not to be confused with “small-minded,” an adjective describing a person who exhibits pettiness, narrowness, or meanness.  Small thinking is a force that can lead people to failure or mediocrity. When a person thinks small, they attract reasons to support small thinking.

A small thinker is “stuck in a rut.”  Are you a small thinker?

Albert Einstein said:

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them .”

Small thinkers repeat the same things again and again, sometimes hoping or wishing for a different or better outcome but never achieving one.

Moreover, small thinkers can be driven by complacency; therefore, overly content with the status quo.  In addition, there is a fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of ridicule.  They remain glued in their comfort zone.

A big thinker has ideas and dreams.  Are you a big thinker?

Big thinkers can see the gains looming on the horizon or in the distant future and are willing to take necessary risks to achieve their goals. So is a big thinker a “visionary”? Yes! As a matter of fact, these people are able to plan their future with imagination and wisdom.

So does this mean “thinking outside the box”? Yes! Thinking outside the box is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, creatively, or from a new perspective.

Illustrating those definitions a little more clearly, consider the following.

  • A small-minded person spends two days arguing with someone over $150 while completely missing an opportunity to earn $500 during the time spent engaging in a battle to prove their point.  Small-minded people believe “it’s the principle of the thing,” and fight to the death to convince others that they are “right.”  No compromising, no bending, no middle ground.  Do you have anyone in your life that fits this description?
  • A small thinker is satisfied with making $100 per day, afraid to rock the boat, ask for a raise, politely demand to be paid what they are worth. In addition, they are fearful of setting boundaries and limits.  They are satisfied to stick with the status quo.  Do you know anyone who is a small thinker?
  • A big thinker sees a different path, doesn’t waste valuable time on insignificant nonsense, makes their point and moves on. They constantly investigate opportunities for change and personal growth and, consequently, embrace required sacrifices. Their eyes are laser beamed on the prize, and they are not looking in their rear-view mirror.  And, finally, does this one ring any bells?

We actually believe that the world needs both small thinkers and big thinkers.

But if you see yourself as a small-minded person, why continue digging in the dirt searching for pennies when hundred dollar bills are flying overhead? Look up. Reach up. Catch some hundreds and leave the pennies buried! 

If you are a small thinker, step off the carousel.

Reflect. Take inventory of your present situation. Ask yourself why the needle hasn’t moved in ten years, why you still have the same daily routine, and the miracle once hoped for has not happened.
You know that transformations do not magically occur and that it takes courage to transition from a being a small thinker to a big thinker, right? 

small thinker

But … if you dream of change, take the first step and overcome your fears.

Is it easy? Usually not. Can it be done? Absolutely! Believe in yourself and you can become a big thinker!

Your turn!

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